When previous client Steve Bough became a federal judge, his former partner Blake Heath took over the firm. We built a rebranded site early on, then kept it up to date in parallel with the previous firm's site. When the firm was ready for launch, we were able to quickly bring it live. This is a [...]

American Consultants: The Healthcare People
Glenn Crocker2015-04-30T19:08:30+00:00We helped American Consultants' in-house marketing team redesign their site, move to a responsive template, reorganize their content, and adjust to reflect new business emphasis.

The Pottenger Law Firm, LLC
Glenn Crocker2015-04-30T19:52:18+00:00Working with content partner KKPR we rebranded Jason Pottenger's website, restructured it to reflect his focus, and added support for ongoing content marketing.
Glenn Crocker2015-04-30T19:16:57+00:00Working with partner Vibe Communications we built out the web site for EZtax's new brand (they were BillSoft previously). Keys to Success: Experience with high tech marketing Team approach with Vibe, EZtax in-house staff Focus on timeline for key conference rebrand launch Training EZtax staff on Wordpress for day-to-day updates

Generation Technologies
Glenn Crocker2015-04-30T19:38:11+00:00Generation Technologies is a video transport and transcoding company based near us in Overland Park. We've helped them with a variety of marketing and design support services over the years, and redesigned their site to be responsive and reflect the latest & greatest about what they're up to.
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T02:16:56+00:00We provide ongoing software development and marketing services to Profit2.

Moyer & Moyer Insurance Agency
Glenn Crocker2015-04-30T19:58:46+00:00Our friends at Moyer & Moyer Insurance wanted a web refresh to get their site looking more modern, and to emphasize more areas of their agency on a single "parallax"-style page.
Synergy Electric
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T17:28:53+00:00Synergy Electric provides residential and commercial electrical installation in the midwest US.
Synergy Energy
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T17:31:16+00:00Synergy Energy provides renewable and green energy products like solar, wind, and LED power systems. We built a custom LED Payback Calculator for the site so visitors can quickly figure out how long an upgrade to LED lighting would take to have positive return on investment.
Epsten Gallery
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T16:24:58+00:00Working with partner Firefly Marketing, we very quickly transitioned the Epsten Gallery from a hacked Joomla installation they found difficult to work with over to a new responsive Wordpress theme based on their existing look & feel. We provided training videos and support so they could keep their exhibits up to date over time.