Working with Lisa Hickok we built a site for the new International Center for Music at Park University. We work with ICM ongoing to maintain their events calendar and during COVID this has expanded to include integration with their video content delivery network

Studio 08 Consultants
Glenn Crocker2021-03-25T15:29:19+00:00Door hardware consultants based in Kansas City, serving clients worldwide including sports arenas, convention centers, performing arts facilities, hospitals, etc.

M. Blake Heath, Trial Attorney LLC
Glenn Crocker2017-02-09T19:17:08+00:00When previous client Steve Bough became a federal judge, his former partner Blake Heath took over the firm. We built a rebranded site early on, then kept it up to date in parallel with the previous firm's site. When the firm was ready for launch, we were able to quickly bring it live. This is a [...]
Cancer Matters
Glenn Crocker2017-02-09T19:17:08+00:00We designed Cancer Matters' website, a national resource directory for newly-diagnosed cancer patients and their families. Key Elements: Ease of use for broad audience ages Mobile use Custom content types for cities, listings Google Maps integration to show resource locations Database integration with 3rd parties, both where we consumed data they provided and where we provided data [...]
Blondin Group
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T16:40:28+00:00We built a new site for St. Louis, Missouri Real Estate company The Blondin Group. We also provide ongoing SEO and support for them.

Precision Manufacturing
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T16:33:37+00:00We built a new Wordpress site with integrated dealer locator, pages for each dealer, and embedded galleries including YouTube videos.

Platte County Convention & Visitors Bureau
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T17:07:51+00:00Working with partner Firefly Marketing, we provided implementation and support for
Kenmark Backdrops
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T16:04:56+00:00Kenmark rents professional-grade theatrical backdrops nationwide. We provided custom development to support their backdrop and show packages.
KC Auction Company
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T03:02:13+00:00KC Auction Company provides appraisal, auction, real estate, and related services in the Kansas City area. We've helped them with two website refreshes to date, providing training, content creation, and ongoing support as needed.
RD Interiors
Glenn Crocker2015-05-01T15:53:05+00:00We built this simple site for a Kansas City interior designer, Richard Dean.